Headache & Migraine Relief: FAQs

Headache and Migraine Relief FAQs from a Chiropractor Near You in Hiawatha, IA

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Or do you have severe pain from migraines? This kind of health problem can end up affecting your day-to-day life — but chiropractic care may provide the right solution!


Looking for a chiropractor near you in Hiawatha, IA? At Chiropractic Solutions, P.C., we offer migraine and headache treatment with spinal adjustments and other care. Let’s explore some FAQs about this kind of head pain — including how to help find optimal relief!

Why Do I Have Chronic Headaches or Migraines?

This can happen due to exposure to certain triggers, underlying conditions, or other factors. Some common causes may include:

  • Stress
  • Some medications
  • Sleep problems
  • Changes in weather
  • Hormonal changes
  • Physical activity
  • Spinal problems, such as text neck
  • Injuries, such as whiplash
  • Certain foods
  • Loud sounds, strong smells, or bright lighting

What Symptoms Should I Watch for?

Headaches can cause pain in one part of your head, such as one side. Or you can have pain all around your head. Your symptoms might be dull or sharp. With migraines, you might also have nausea and/or heightened sensitivity to environmental factors, like sounds and lights.

When Should I Seek Migraine or Headache Treatment?

A headache every once in a while is usually normal for many people. But having frequent ones —or daily ones — can easily interfere with your life. Migraines might cause debilitating symptoms that stop you from being able to function. It’s time to get help if you’re dealing with frequent or severe symptoms.

How Does a Chiropractor Help?

Problems with your spine, such as discs being out of alignment, may be contributing to head pain. Chiropractic adjustments — either hands-on techniques or done using instruments — help put those discs back in place.

What Other Kinds of Treatments Ease Head Pain?

We might include other services in a treatment plan for you to help minimize this kind of pain. These might include:

  • Soft tissue therapy for your upper spine and neck
  • Nutritional advice to avoid triggering headaches or migraines
  • Exercises to strengthen neck and upper back muscles and improve flexibility

Get Headache Treatment, Migraine Treatment, and Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor Near You

Are you tired of having head pain? A chiropractor near you at Chiropractic Solutions, P.C. in Hiawatha, IA, can help! Call to make an appointment. Our office provides services aimed at reducing headaches and migraines — from chiropractic adjustments to nutritional advice! Call us at (319) 393-0086 for headache treatment, migraine treatment, and chiropractic care from a chiropractor near you.


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